Thursday, July 9, 2020

SuperEasy Relieving Letter Tips, Formats Samples

SuperEasy Relieving Letter Tips, Formats Samples SuperEasy Relieving Letter Tips, Formats Samples5 min read Read ­ing Time: 4 min ­utesBe it attri ­tion or fir ­ing, or even the reliev ­ing of a per ­son from duty for mutu ­al ben ­e ­fit rea ­sons, each employ ­ee must be giv ­en a reliev ­ing let ­ter at the time of their exit from the orga ­ni ­za ­tion under all cir ­cum ­stances. The reliev ­ing let ­ter mean ­ing is that this is a let ­ter for ­mal ­iz ­ing the res ­ig ­na ­tion of the employ ­ee for the list ­ed rea ­son. A reliev ­ing let ­ter, how ­ev ­er, does more than just ter ­mi ­nate the ser ­vices of the employ ­ee towards the com ­pa ­ny. It also allows the employ ­ee to have a record of employ ­ment for the next com ­pa ­ny he wish ­es to work. The let ­ter is also cru ­cial for the com ­pa ­ny for legal, logis ­ti ­cal and account ­ing rea ­sons. So how does one go about writ ­ing this doc ­u ­ment? While it is true, it is most ­ly the HR that issues this doc ­u ­ment it is impor ­tant for each employ ­ee to know what to expect in a reliev ­ing let ­ter and for all oth ­ers to know what to check in one. How to Write A Relieving Letter: First, we must see what all needs to be a part of these reliev ­ing let ­ters that you will write/ receive. The key points of any reliev ­ing let ­ter are: Employee details: All details of the resign ­ing employ ­ee must be put up in the reliev ­ing let ­ter. All infor ­ma ­tion about the employ ­ee that is cru ­cial must be in this let ­ter. This needs to be the first thing ensured by the writer of the let ­ter as well as the receiv ­er. The employ ­ee full name, employ ­ee ID, the terms of ser ­vice, role(s), and many oth ­er details need to make it into this let ­ter. Company details: This part of the let ­ter must con ­tain details about the com ­pa ­ny, its offices, con ­tact num ­ber, etc as this would be used by the future employ ­ers of this per ­son to con ­tact the com ­pa ­ny if need ­ed as also for back ­ground ver ­i ­fi ­ca ­tion. This should include the com ­plete name of the com ­pa ­ny, the com ­plete cor ­po ­rate address, the con ­tact num ­bers, the per ­sons to con ­tact. Letter date: This may seem triv ­ial but it is of the utmost impor ­tance that the date (date, month, year) of writ ­ing the reliev ­ing let ­ter is men ­tioned on it. This becomes cru ­cial in case of any dis ­pute on the mat ­ter of the res ­ig ­na ­tion of the employ ­ee. Employment information: While this is not a com ­pul ­so ­ry part of a reliev ­ing let ­ter, it may be cru ­cial to the employ ­ee or future employ ­er to ascer ­tain the work done by the employ ­ee in the com ­pa ­ny. This gen ­er ­al ­ly includes a rec ­om ­men ­da ­tion of the employ ­ee or con ­verse ­ly the rea ­sons for the employee’s res ­ig ­na ­tion. Resignation date: Just as it is impor ­tant to make a note of the date the let ­ter was writ ­ten, it is equal ­ly impor ­tant to state the date (date, month, year) of the ten ­der ­ing of the res ­ig ­na ­tion by the employ ­ee. This allows the valid ­i ­ty of the employ ­ee apply ­ing in oth ­er com ­pa ­nies to be ver ­i ­fied by them. This date is not only the date of res ­ig ­na ­tion but also the date of the reliev ­ing let ­ter request by default. Appreciation: If the employ ­ee is leav ­ing on their terms, it is ben ­e ­fi ­cial to the employ ­ee, to the future employ ­er and the com ­pa ­ny to include a note of appre ­ci ­a ­tion for the employ ­ee in the reliv ­ing let ­ter. It needs to be ensured here that the let ­ter stays for ­mal but this too helps all involved par ­ties. Details of the writer: It is cru ­cial in a reliev ­ing let ­ter that the name, sig ­na ­ture, des ­ig ­na ­tion and con ­tact details of the per ­son writ ­ing the let ­ter are includ ­ed. This helps not only in prov ­ing the authen ­tic ­i ­ty of the let ­ter but in also estab ­lish ­ing con ­tact in case of query or dis ­pute. Relieving Letter Format: Now that we the com ­po ­nents of a reliev ­ing let ­ter, let us see the for ­mat for a reliev ­ing let ­ter. It is very sim ­i ­lar to any oth ­er for ­mal let ­ter writ ­ten but does have unique aspects too. A stan ­dard reliev ­ing let ­ter for ­mat is as fol ­lows: Date Employer’s name Employ ­ee ID Des ­ig ­na ­tion, Depart ­ment Com ­pa ­ny name and loca ­tion Sub ­ject: Salu ­ta ­tion (Dear so and so) Res ­ig ­na ­tion details address ­ing the employ ­ee Accep ­tance of res ­ig ­na ­tion and the effec ­tive date of the same Ser ­vice details Thank ­ing note Salu ­ta ­tion Sig ­na ­ture Full name Des ­ig ­na ­tion Con ­tact details Relieving Letter Sample: With this for ­mat in mind let us now have a reliev ­ing let ­ter sam ­ple. Below is a reliev ­ing let ­ter exam ­ple to explain it. Reliev ­ing Let ­ter Exam ­ple: Decem ­ber 31, 2019 Mr. ABC Employ ­ee ID 123456 Team leader, XYZ team FES Com ­pa ­ny, Sub ­ject: Your res ­ig ­na ­tion Dear ABC, We have received your res ­ig ­na ­tion let ­ter dat ­ed Novem ­ber 1. 2019. This let ­ter is issued to con ­firm that Decem ­ber 31st, 2019 was the last date of your employ ­ment with the com ­pa ­ny. You are thus relieved from com ­pa ­ny employ ­ment with imme ­di ­ate effect from the end of work ­ing hours on this date. This let ­ter is sub ­ject to your no due clear ­ance in case of which the same shall be treat ­ed as final instead of pro ­vi ­sion ­al. Please note also that your expe ­ri ­ence let ­ter along with dues and full and final set ­tle ­ment state ­ment shall be couri ­ered to you at the address stat ­ed by you on com ­pa ­ny records. We would like to thank you for your years of ser ­vice with our com ­pa ­ny start ­ing from Jan ­u ­ary 15, 2016, to date and would like to wish you the best of luck in your future endeav ­ors. Indi ­vid ­u ­al ­ly, we wish you reach the best of heights with your tal ­ent and com ­mit ­ment. We are sor ­ry to have to let an employ ­ee such as you leave us for per ­son ­al rea ­sons. Yours, (sig ­na ­ture) Full Name Des ­ig ­na ­tion Com ­pa ­ny name Con ­tact num ­ber Bottom Line: As you have seen, a reliev ­ing let ­ter is a por ­tal of infor ­ma ­tion for the employ ­ee and all future employ ­ers. It thus helps to reit ­er ­ate the point that the for ­mat of a reliv ­ing let ­ter must be care ­ful ­ly and time ­ly writ ­ten. While it is the respon ­si ­bil ­i ­ty of the com ­pa ­ny to issue a cor ­rect reliev ­ing let ­ter, the employ ­ee must also ensure that the same is cor ­rect. It is also not uncom ­mon for com ­pa ­nies to demand a reliev ­ing let ­ter from past employ ­er com ­pa ­nies of a per ­son in case the same is not found and can be proved not to have been issued. This thus makes it near ­ly a statu ­to ­ry require ­ment for all com ­pa ­nies to issue such a let ­ter to all their employ ­ees that leave the com ­pa ­ny, espe ­cial ­ly those doing so by way of res ­ig ­na ­tion. format for relieving letterrelieving letterrelieving letter sample

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